Monday, January 26, 2009

300 in 30

Hey! So i just finished reading Memoirs of the due readings. The book was very descriptive, or I mean the story. To tell you the truth I don't know what to talk about. I all i know or remember is the girls and great names like Chea. At first when I saw that name i thought they were referring to Che Guevara, but i notice her name Achea so that's a nice name i say. Well the story is set in sixty nine the same year we went to the moon. Also the same year the assassins of Dr. King & JFK were convicted. The story starts when these girls startin hearing bullets and what not so they start trippin. You know they startin running around and what not yelling for their parents. Mak & Pa are what they call their parents. In the fourth paragraph there's a lot of detailing. Oh, I forgot to tell you the name of the story is actually "When Broken Glass Floats" I wonder where the name comes from? I guess the fact that I didn't read it to understand i just read words I can't really find out why. You know one thing i really like is their language. I'm a big fan of different languages I'm multilangual so I can relate to them. As of know I speak Kinyarwanda, French and English. Right now i'm learning Italian I love the language .Hope fully after I learn Italian I can learn Flemish or Dutch. I'm about to google up the language it's probably Cambodian or Vietnamese. That would be an interesting language to learn, Vietnamese or Cambodian. I wonder if you will care if I'm a couple of words short. Well i Hope talking all this Bull- Sh** will bring in some more to it

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